Worship Service
Join us in-person Sundays at 11am
You can also catch our livestream on Facebook
You can also catch our livestream on Facebook
Thank you for checking us out. We're a plucky community made up of all sorts of people: younger, older, richer, poorer...
We hope you'll join us in worship on Sunday. |
Getting Here
How Fancy Is This?
We're not fancy at all! Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Honestly.
Masks are no longer required unless you are in the balcony area. We are working to provide a safe space for everyone. There is no need to register in advance for our worship service. |
Jump into our cafe before, after, or during the service to pick up a coffee, tea, or snack. Feel free to bring it into the sanctuary with you.
One of our bands will lead us through a handful of songs. You're welcome to sing along - or not.
Someone, often one of our pastors on staff, will teach for 20 minutes or less. We strive for our speakers to be teaching us from a place of weakness - i.e. they aren't experts but fellow journeyers.
Often we open it up for Questions and Responses. This is a time for the community to respond to what they just heard.
Want to check out what teaching sounds like at Royal City Mission before arriving? Many of our sermons are available on your favourite podcast platform - search for Royal City Mission or visit the link below.
There are multiple ways you can serve during the Worship Service, such as the cafe team or the music team.
Royal City Mission
50 Quebec Street Guelph, Ontario N1H 2T4 |
Registered Charity | Royal City Mission Church Charitable Number | BN 845427871RR0001 |