We are pleased to provide another morning of training for volunteers and ministry leaders serving in and around Royal City Mission. We hope you can join us. The morning will include the following sessions and workshops: 9am - Opening Session: The Importance of Prayer (Tarcia Gerwing) 9:45 - Workshops (45min) 1. Naloxone training- attendees will recieve training as well as a naloxone kit 2. Prayer Practices (Gavin Wark) 10:30 - Coffee Break 11:00 - Workshops (45min) 1. Mental Illness and the Gospel (Nick Cardesis ) 2. Kitchen Basics - Orientation to RCM's new Kitchen (Mark Anderson) 3. How to Play Euchre (Gavin Wark) 12:00 - Closing Session (Kevin Coghill) 12:30 - Lunch (Optional) There is no cost to attend. Register here. |
Royal City Mission
50 Quebec Street Guelph, Ontario N1H 2T4 |
Registered Charity | Royal City Mission Church Charitable Number | BN 845427871RR0001 |